J'espère que ce sera le bouclage de la trilogie entamée par Les Chroniques de Riddick !Quand il est sorti, le pitch disait que
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J'adore le graphisme et l'histoire. Vin Diesel c'est pas vraiment mon genre dirons nous :P

Vin Diesel Promises Two More Riddick SequelsPublished by Shawn Adler on Monday, August 25, 2008 at 3:18 pm.Vin DieselFour years after his character Richard B. Riddick last graced the silver screen, and some years after telling reporters that there would be another Riddick film in his future, Vin Diesel told MTV News that he no longer thinks there will one day be a Riddick sequel.He now thinks there will be two.“David Twowy right now is writing the scripts. The only question is whether we take a page from the ‘Lord of the Rings’ guys and try to shoot the two chapters at the same time. There are two more in mind,” he said of Riddick, the Furyan warrior first introduced in the 2000 film “Pitch Black.” “‘The Chronicles of Riddick’ was presented as a three part trilogy that would answer ‘Pitch Black’ in the same way that ‘Lord of the Rings’ answered ‘The Hobbit.’”Those are lofty goals indeed for a movie that was very poorly received when it opened in 2004, and had a mediocre performance at the domestic box-office (where it made just $57 million). Diesel, though, is undaunted, insisting that the long space between sequels has nothing to do with convincing others to get on board, and everything to do with wanting to get it right. (To be fair, “Riddick” performed well overseas, and also spawned a best-selling video game which many considered to be better than the movie.)“Everyone knows I love the Riddick character and I’m always working on it,” Diesel asserted. “It just takes five years to make another one because David Twohy and I are so precious about it.”So where will Riddick go next? After taking the throne of the Necromonger King at the end of the last chapter, is there any doubt?“Sooner or later we all end up in the Underverse,” he said of where we can expect the next chapter to take place, adding in a Riddick-like voice, “Sooner or later.”

Tiens, en effet, je n'avais pas vu ça, mais moi non plus je ne serai pas contre une suite ! :pA choisir, j'aimerai autant que tout le monde se concentre sur Elric, Bilbo ou la série du trône de fer, mais pusique ça a l'air bien engagé, ma foi, pourquoi pas !Thys

Je me réponds à moi-même pour signaler que la démo du jeu est arrivée sur le Live. Attention, c'est vraiment très court, même en mode difficile ! :) Je pensais qu'on aurait tout de même droit à un niveau entier... Mais l'ambiance de Riddick -et la voix de Vin Diesel :mrgreen: me manquait - vivement la suite ! Un jour peut-être... :)

En parlant de suite !
- Vin Diesel tells Movies Online that David Twohy is hard at work writing the third "Riddick" movie. "'He’s currently writing the third film. It’s hot. But, to answer your question specifically about the scaled down aspect, yes, there is a scaled down portion of this that goes back to the "Pitch Black" style. If you think of “Pitch Black” as an introduction to the world, if you think of "Lord of the Rings," I’m just using it as a parallel. You think of “Lord of the Rings” as three books, a trilogy, you would think of "The Chronicles of Riddick" as the first in that trilogy and there would be two more to follow''.

Location Scouting Has Begun for Riddick SequelSource:Vin DieselDecember 2, 2009Vin Diesel has announced on his Facebook page that location scouting has already begun in New Zealand for a new installment in the "Chronicles of Riddick" franchise, for which director David Twohy has finished the script.In August, Twohy talked to ShockTillYouDrop.com about the project. "I've sketched out two ideas for the next installment," he said. "Vin and I have decided on one approach of those two, and there's some interest at the studio level but it would be as a PG-13 film, and we don't want to do that anymore. That's one of the concessions we thought we made with 'Riddick' that we shouldn't have made. We also spent too much money and we were too ambitions, so yes, if we do go back to a third one, it will be focused again, hopefully again the same way that 'Pitch Black' was, and we'll spend less money doing it. We're just trying to figure out how much less we can do it for, because I don't think Vin is going to work for scale again."He added that "the third movie would be more modestly-scaled and it would probably feel more like 'Pitch Black' then 'Chronicles.'"
Oui, oui, OUI !:ph34r:

Bien, bien, bien, ça va dans la bonne direction tout ça...mais entre les repérages et le film, y'a encore un bon petit bout de chemin... :rolleyes:Thys

Le synopsis officiel ! :)Il sera tourné après... Fast & Furious 5. :mrgreen:
Betrayed by his own kind and left for dead on a desolate planet, Riddick (Diesel) fights for survival against alien predators and becomes more powerful and dangerous than ever before. Soon bounty hunters from throughout the galaxy descend on Riddick only to find themselves pawns in his greater scheme for revenge. With his enemies right where he wants them, Riddick unleashes a vicious attack of vengeance before returning to his home planet of Furya to save it from destruction.

Repassé hier soir à la télé. Moi qui ne suis pas SF et qui ne suit pas fan de film d'actions, je trouve qu'il n'est pas mal : étrange, non :o ?Du coup, je ne serai pas contre une suite !

Vin diesel compte/veut poursuivre l'aventure des Riddicks, un troisième opus serait en chantier, malheureusement (ou pas, ça dépend des gout et attentes) le prochain opus ressemblerait plus au Pitch Black (1ere apparition de Riddick).Donc apriori pas de suites direct, ni de voyage vers Enteverse, mais surement un film ressemblant aux jeux existants (pas mal soit dit en passant), à savoir un Riddick tentant de s'enfuir d'une prison de haut niveau (type Butcher Bay), budget revu a la baisse suite à l'échec en salle des Chroniques.Il faut savoir que Vin doit beaucoup de chose au perso de Riddick, comme S.Weaver avait Ripley ou H.Jackman pour Wolverine :)

Vu Pitch Black hier soir. Enfin, re-vu, mais je ne m'en suis rendu compte que tard... Ce film est bien, en fait, si on essaie de faire abstraction du montage de certaines scènes, des enchainements, et du jeu d'actrice de la nana-pilote. ça me donne envie de découvrir le roman, car il y a de nombreux trous dans le scénario du film qui sont intéressants.

La suite a au moins le mérite de l'ambition. :)
Vin Diesel Teases Riddick DetailsSource: FacebookDecember 22, 2010Vin Diesel has offered some slight hints at what fans can expect from the upcoming Riddick, courtesy of his Facebook fan page."[M]y partner on [The Chronicles of Riddick] since the beginning, [David Twohy]... has a new challenge in store," writes Diesel, "He wants me to have 3 different body looks for this next chapter... There is the DiNorscio type, the Dom type, and the lean Furyan type... but all in the same movie, haha... When it comes to art, we all like a challenge."In addition to the "Furyan type" of the previous Twohy films (Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick), Diesel makes reference to his body type in Find Me Guilty and in the Fast and the Furious films.
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