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Posté : mer. 22 oct. 2008 16:40
par Altan

Posté : dim. 2 nov. 2008 16:30
par Altan
Nouveau billet sur son blog :
I managed to get through my re-read of Knife of Dreams earlier in the week, with a focus on certain characters I'm writing on right now, and so I've found time to get a few thousand words in on the rough draft. Our percentage bar ticked up by 1% for the first time in a couple of weeks.Remember, each of those percents means 4k words, which for a lot of writers is an entire week's worth of writing. I have a goal of 10 during good weeks, but these last few weeks I've felt very good when I've managed half of that. Usually on tour, I don't write at all. It's just too grueling to be driving to a new city each day, signing and meeting people, then spending the days visiting other bookstores and signing the books on the shelves. Anyway, we're still inching away toward my goal of being to 400k words by the end of December.

Posté : ven. 28 nov. 2008 01:33
par Altan

Posté : ven. 28 nov. 2008 18:14
par belgarion
Ca me semble beaucoup. Robert Jordan avait dit que ce dernier tome serait logn mais il escomptait tout faire en un seul volume...

Posté : ven. 28 nov. 2008 19:45
par Hisoka
Altan a écrit :Auto interview :D :arrow:Ça nous ferait 4 tomes vf ? :o
Moi, je dirais 5.Les voleurséditeurs ne raterons pas cette occasion de faire du fricde diviser le tome en 5 pour faciliter la lecture.

Posté : ven. 28 nov. 2008 20:55
par Chaos
Une chance pour moi que je lis la VO :). 2 bouquins ça me dérange pas trop...

Posté : sam. 29 nov. 2008 00:40
par darkfriend
Hm, ce serait l'occasion d'atteindre le chiffre 13 qui revêt une telle importance dans WOT :sifflote: ;)En même temps, j'aime bien le ton de Sanderson, il y a quelque chose de vraiment sincère chez lui, comme il parle (enfin c'est une impression), bref je me réjouis de découvrir son boulot (sans vouloir le comparer absolument au maître, ce serait mesquin).ça fait plus d'une année, maintenant que Jordan nous a quittés, je crois? :(

Posté : ven. 2 janv. 2009 14:49
par Gillossen
Ben alors les gars, ça a pourtant bougé depuis novembre ! :sifflote: ;)
Brandon Sanderson, toujours prolixe sur son blog a écrit :In other news, progress on the Wheel of Time continues at a good clip. It's been a surreal, incredible year working on one of my favorite book series of all time. It still feels odd to think of myself as a fifteen year old boy, reading the beginning of Rand's story and wondering how it would end. And now I get to write that ending, or at least part of it. You may have noticed that I hit my 400,000 word goal for A Memory of Light. So, for you wheel of time fans, here is an updated relative lengths chart. Think of it as my Christmas present to you. AMoL is now officially the longest book in the Wheel of Time Series. AMOL Relative Length Chart: 12/24/2008Alcatraz/Evil Librarians 60,400New Spring 121,815Elantris 202,765The Final Empire 214,752The Path of Daggers 226,687Warbreaker 236,301Winter's Heart 238,789Hero of Ages 244,201The Dragon Reborn 251,392The Well of Ascension 252,739The Great Hunt 267,078Crossroads of Twilight 271,632A Crown of Swords 295,028The Eye of the World 305,902Knife of Dreams 315,163The Fires of Heaven 354,109Lord of Chaos 389,264The Shadow Rising 393,823---A MEMORY OF LIGHT 408k So Far!---Looks like that chart needs some more goals on it, eh? How about this:Alcatraz/Evil Librarians 60,400New Spring 121,815Elantris 202,765The Final Empire 214,752The Path of Daggers 226,687Warbreaker 236,301Winter's Heart 238,789Hero of Ages 244,201The Dragon Reborn 251,392The Well of Ascension 252,739The Great Hunt 267,078Crossroads of Twilight 271,632A Crown of Swords 295,028The Eye of the World 305,902Knife of Dreams 315,163The Fires of Heaven 354,109Lord of Chaos 389,264The Shadow Rising 393,823---A MEMORY OF LIGHT 408k So Far!---The Stand: 464,218Lord of the Rings: 470,000Les Miserables (French): 513,000War and Peace (English): 560,000Ten copies of Alcatraz: 604,000Atlas Shrugged: 645,000Entire Mistborn Trilogy: 711,692We're going to have to face facts, though. The longer the book grows, the greater the chances of it being split. The choice isn't mine on this one, I'm afraid. I feel I need to write the book at the length it deserves to be, even if that leaves it needing to be divided up by Tor and published in sections. We're nearing the time where we'll have to turn something in if we want it out by November, and while we'd like this to be one book, it might make more sense for all parties to give you some now, rather than make you wait another year to get the whole thing. (Though Orbit in the UK has decided, inexplicably, to make a new Amazon posting for AMoL. Uh, that's very optimistic, folks. But we haven't even turned anything in to Tor yet. How do you know the page count? How do you even know what the title will be? If the book gets split, Harriet will have to decide what to call it. it could be AMOL part one, or it could just have its own title, with AMOL going to the final book after the split. The UK publisher for the WoT seems to know the answers already. There's only one conclusion I can draw from this. Orbit UK is populated with TIME TRAVELERS.)Merry Christmas, or whatever holiday you happen to prefer to celebrate this season!
Plus récent encore :
In AMOL news, you may have noticed a new progress bar on my website. I'm doing a revision of the sections I wrote during October, November, and December, so that I can send them to Harriet. I've had some requests from readers to talk a little bit more about what is going on with AMoL. They want to know which characters I'm working on or which plot sections.Part of me would like to say more, but there are two things holding me back. First off, I really don't want to give spoilers. Even mentioning which characters I'm writing on could be too much of a spoiler for some readers, as it would imply who has larger sequences in the book and who might have a smaller part. Some of you would like to hear this, but I have to err on the side of those who don't want to know. That's how Robert Jordan did it himself; he was very secretive about the upcoming books, only giving out a tidbit here and there.I don't even feel comfortable doing that much, as this book isn't my own. I've given my word to Harriet that I won't reveal things about the final book, and I feel I need to be extra careful. It's her decision what gets released and what doesn't, not mine. (Just like it's her decision about whether to cut the book or not. I thank those who have emailed me expressing their opinions, but know that I don't have a choice in the matter. I've made my suggestions to Harriet, and I've pointed out to the Tor CEO that Robert Jordan wished the book to be one volume. They will make the decision, not me.) And so you'll probably see me being very careful about what I say on the blog. I'm afraid that in most cases, the progress bars are the best I can offer you. Expect to see several lengthy revisions over the next few months, however. I'll still be sneaking in some writing time to do new chapters here and there, but most of my efforts right now are focused on the revision process. Once this new progress bar is finished, I'll probably launch directly into another revision, and probably a third one after that.

Posté : dim. 4 janv. 2009 21:00
par John Doe
De bonnes nouvelles en perspective : il arrive manifestement à tenir à peu près les délais, et il est toujours aussi passioné, cela fait plaisir.:)

Posté : mer. 14 janv. 2009 08:28
par Gillossen

Posté : mer. 14 janv. 2009 11:38
par Foradan
Suffit de faire un don pour avoir une chance (infime) de voir "Foradan" tenir l'étrier de Mat ? Franchement, j'hésite....mais on risquerait ensuite de dire que mon pseudo vient de la Roue du Temps (dans 20 ans, quand ce sera devenu un classique du cinéma et de la BD).

Posté : mer. 14 janv. 2009 11:43
par Ainulindalë
Par contre on pourrait essayer avec Elbakin en reunissant quelques euros.

Posté : mer. 14 janv. 2009 13:37
par Moridin
Plus je "vois" ce mec ( B.Sanderson) plus je l'adore :). Je pense que c'est une excellente idée ( mais par contre mon nom "civil" va être vachement compliqué a mettre dans le roman si je gagne :p).

Posté : mer. 14 janv. 2009 19:08
par Zéanos
Capitaine Jérémy... Ca sonne pas si mal que ça non ? Si ? Ok... Pas de chance ^^Quand on y repense, les noms civils entrent rarement bien dans un bouquin je trouve... Moi, c'est quelque chose qui me choque... Un exemple qui me vient à l'esprit, sans débattre encore et encore sur l'éternel sujet : Richard Rahl... Richard... xD

Posté : jeu. 15 janv. 2009 15:30
par Goldberry
Dans tous les cas, ça ne sera pas de l'argent jeté par les fenêtres, c'est déjà ça. :)

Posté : ven. 23 janv. 2009 08:22
par Gillossen
Brandon Sanderson sur son blog a écrit :The work proceeds nicely. The Wheel of Time book is interesting in that I've got a LOT of different types of feedback on it. There's Harriet, of course, but also Mr. Jordan's two assistants, Maria and Alan. They are continuity experts, and have been going through the pages I've done and have been fact checking and giving feedback on general issues as well. I had worried that having three editors on this project would make it more difficult to work on, but so far it's simply been a big help. There is SO much going on in this book and this world that having the extra sets of eyes is very helpful.
3 relecteurs au minimum, c'est déjà pas mal pour éviter les erreurs de continuité ! ;)

Posté : sam. 24 janv. 2009 09:27
par Aslan
L'auteur continue en tout cas d'aborder le sujet sur son blog.:arrow: ... y-of-Light

Posté : dim. 25 janv. 2009 17:29
par Perrin
Si le prologue est mis en vente, j'espère que le cours du dollar face à l'euro ne sera pas remonté d'ici là... :sifflote:Pour ce qui est du contenu, maintenant que je suis repassé à la VF, je suis nettement moins pressé de toute façon.

Posté : dim. 22 févr. 2009 15:54
par Gillossen
Brandon Sanderson a enfin récupéré un ordinateur. ;)
I'm still neck-deep in AMOL revisions. They will probably take until early April, so don't expect the progress bar to do much of anything in March. After that, it will begin to inch upward again.

Posté : mar. 24 févr. 2009 09:56
par King Kong
Qui dit nouvel ordi, dit nouvel étalage de messages. ;):arrow: ... e-du-Temps