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The latest news on HBO front is that David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have turned in the second draft of the pilot script for A GAME OF THRONES, and their rewrite is presently being read and evaluated by the powers-that-be at HBO. In other words, it's the normal process, which is long and often slow. So far, the reports are good, and HBO seems to like what they're seeing... but no, there's no greenlight yet, A GAME OF THRONES remains a script in development, not a series in production.The one hard bit of news is that HBO has reached agreement with the BBC for them to come in as a partner on the series... IF it goes ahead. That's very cool news, and I'm excited and pleased to have the BBC involved... but even so, we're still in the crossed fingers stage here, not the shooting-off-fireworks stage.
le processus continue, la 2° vague de lecture est passé et d'apres lui bien et grosse info, si le projet à le feu vert, la BBC se collera à HBO pour le projet !il fait aussi sur son blog, une longue tirade sur les gens qui lui écrive, il les remercie mais ne peut rien faire sur le projet télé en lui mm et surtt pas les faire prendre dans l'équipe à qlq niveau que se soit !