Sur le forum du site officiel de Tad Williams.
Pertaining to The Witchwood Crown, Tad said that he's still at about the same point in the story as last reported. What's he's been doing for the last month is creating the history and backstory for the Norns since he didn't do that much worldbuilding for them for MS&T
Il étoffe, il étoffe !

Génial, et plutôt de (très) bon augure pour la suite! :DCela veut dire que nous aurons droit à une histoire au moins aussi construite et fouillée que l'Arcane des épées! J'ai hâte!!!

Petite info supplémentaire ! (Oui, je suis toujours au taquet)
Hi, guys. I've been absent for a bit, due to family emergencies (sick dog we thought we might lose, but he's better now) and work pressure. Also, I lost my ability to log in for a bit. But I'm back.That's all I had to say, except you'll be seeing me again here and elsewhere. Carry on.Oh, and I've had a lot of other things going on, so I'm only at about page 400 of the book, but I'm back into a stretch where I can work on it full-time again.

A moins de gros soucis, je pense que la date évoquée de fin 2015 peut sans doute être tenue.
Ça serait vraiment super, et ça me laisse encore le temps de relire l'Arcane avant la publication. Ah la la Osten Ard, les Sithis, les Norns, quel merveilleux souvenir de lecture ! :wub: Je crois que je n'ai jamais autant rêvé d'une suite que celle-là, même l'annonce du retour de Fitz ne m'a pas fait cet effet (et c'est une fan qui parle là !). Bref quel bonheur immense à l'idée de revisiter cet univers, j'espère juste que le résultat sera à la hauteur de mes attentes mais je suis plutôt confiante. :)

2015 was my hopeful wish, which horrified my publishers, who said "We won't possibly have time to promote it properly". In retrospect, it was a bit too hopeful, because the re-learning curve is so steep on these books. But I'm shooting to have the first book finished in a few months (first draft) and then I can start editing and we can start releasing excerpts, etc.

Tad a écrit :Politics will definitely show up in these books.Nabban is a major focus.I've just crested 700 pages after a REALLY difficult last few weeks.
Ça va être long !