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Posté : ven. 25 janv. 2008 09:30
par Gillossen
WoT Read Through Notes: IntroductionPosted on 01.24.08Categories: A Memory of LightI'm going to start posting my impressions of the Wheel of Time books as I read through them again. This will just be me blogging my reactions as a reader and my thoughts as I approach the humbling task of finishing the Wheel of Time Book Twelve. As a reminder, I've read these books before, but it has now been some six or seven years since I've read through the entire series from the beginning. It used to be my habit to read through them all when a new one came out, but life got too busy and the series too long for me to do that with the later books. There won't be any spoilers of Book Twelve in these, though there will be spoilers to the book I'm currently reading. So, if you're not familiar with the Wheel of Time but are planning to read the books, you might want to skip these posts. Doing this makes me just a little wary. I like connecting with readers and offering posts like this to give you an insight into an author's mind and into the process. I feel that you, as the fans, have a great deal of ownership and stake in this project, as it is because of you that the Wheel of Time was so successful. However, I don't want my posts to serve as a catalyst to panic regarding my handling of Book Twelve. For instance, if I write that certain character is kind of bugging me in a scene, I worry that people will think that I'm making a criticism of Mr. Jordan's writing or that I'm criticizing that character in specific. I'm not doing either. I think Mr. Jordan's writing is fantastic--even as I read through again, I'm struck by how well he was able to weave so many different ideas together. I really do have a sincere affection for all of these characters--I've grown up with them, as many of you have, and they feel like siblings to me. Just as a sibling can be annoying, I feel that a character can be annoying. It doesn't mean I intend to cut them from Book Twelve or give them any less screen time. I thought, then, that I would make this post as an introduction. None of my posts over the next few months are intended to give any foreshadowing of book twelve. Please don't panic if I seem to be interpreting a character's motivations differently from how you view them. The materials Mr. Jordan left are quite extensive, and the final book's plot and characterizations were set by him. My goal with that book will be to as invisible as possible, and certainly don't intend to insert any of my own themes, agendas, or philosophies into it.I will collect these blog posts in a list, and you'll be able to find them on the A MEMORY OF LIGHT section of my website, once we add it.
En tout cas, il annonce dans ce message d'introduction qu'il ne faudra pas compter sur lui pour lâcher des spoilers sur l'intrigue du tome 12 dans ces messages à venir sur sa relecture du cycle ! ;)

Posté : ven. 25 janv. 2008 14:49
par elise
En tout cas, il annonce dans ce message d'introduction qu'il ne faudra pas compter sur lui pour lâcher des spoilers sur l'intrigue du tome 12 dans ces messages à venir sur sa relecture du cycle !
Et bien pour ma part je trouve ça plutôt rassurant de savoir qu'il n'a pas l'intention de lacher quoi que ce soit. Cela aurait été à mon avis irrespectueux envers la mémoire de Jordan. En tous cas j'aime beaucoup sa démarche, le fait qu'il tienne les fans informés de l'évolution du projet et surtout qu'il prenne la peine de les rassurer. Cet auteur me plaît de plus en plus et je vais m'intéresser de plus près à ses oeuvres ;)

Posté : dim. 27 janv. 2008 10:21
par Gillossen
Et relecture de l'Oeil du Monde :
WoT Read-Through: EYE OF THE WORLDPosted on 01.26.08Categories: A Memory of LightI'm hoping to be able to do more than one post per book, but I'd already started EYE OF THE WORLD when I finally got time to write this. I'll probably only do one post for the first book, then, which is a tragedy, since it has long been one of my favorites of the series. I also feel that it will be VERY important to writing Book Twelve. The Wheel turns; ages become new again and ideas return. I feel that the last book of the series should have numerous hearkenings back to this first book; that will give a sense of closure to this section of the Pattern and fit with the motif of the Wheel's turning. That's just my gut instinct, and I'm not promising anything specific or even referencing material from the Twelfth Book. I'm only speaking of my general feelings as a writer, but Mr. Jordan's notes are far more important than any of my instincts. As I read through this first book again, I was shocked by how well he had foreshadowed the later books in the series. This is the first time I'm reading WHEEL OF TIME all the way through as a professional novelist. I see things differently than I once did. I know how difficult it is to foreshadow across an entire series, and am frankly astounded by how well Mr. Jordan laid the groundwork for his future books. Min's prophesies are one great example, but equally potent is Mr. Jordan's use of mythology and story as a means of preparing the reader for events such as the Great Hunt, future interactions with the Aiel (and the People's relationship with them), and the coming of the Seanchan. As I read, I also found myself having a very odd reaction. You see, when I first read these books, I was a teenage boy. It's not odd, then, that I would empathize with Rand, Mat, and Perrin. Each previous time I read through the series, my major sympathies focused on them. I remember being frustrated by how much Nynaeve and Moiraine kept them out of the loop, ordering them around and not telling them anything. Now I'm older. It has been years since I've read through these early books. Strangely--almost traitorously--I find myself looking on Rand, Mat, and Perrin as...well, reckless teenagers. I'm still very affectionate toward them and interested in their stories. Yet, every time they do something dumb (like run off in Shadar Logoth without telling anyone) I find myself wanting to scream at them "You wool-headed fools!" Instead I find that...brace yourselves...Nynaeve is my favorite character in this book. I always found her annoying in a bossy-older-sister kind of way before. Now, she's the character closest to me in age, and I can see her motivations and feel for her plight. In my opinion, she's one of the most heroic people in this book, as she left the Two Rivers on her own (despite the recent attack) and tracked the others out further than she'd ever been before. Rand and the other boys have no choice but to do as told, buy Nynaeve could have gone home at any time. Instead, she stayed--all because of her determination to help protect those from the Two Rivers. She's trapped between the boys thinking she's bossy, but Moiraine treating her practically like a child. (Well, not really, but you know what I mean.) She's got it rough, but she keeps on going. I have to say, I'm impressed again with Mr. Jordan. It's hard to write these posts without sounding like a base sycophant. Yet, if you're an aspiring author, might I suggest that what he did here is something to study? He's managed to craft a book which not only appeals to the teenage readers who see themselves in Egwene or one of the boys, he's inserted characters who think and feel in a way that appeals to other audiences as well. I suspect this is part of why the books work so well. Perhaps after aging a little more and raising children of my own, I will find myself thinking more like Moiraine. (Though, to be honest, she's always been one of my favorite characters. Still is.)So, there you have it. Brandon's favorite character of this book: Nynaeve. And I still think that's really strange. Next week, I'll give my reactions to THE GREAT HUNT.

Posté : dim. 27 janv. 2008 12:17
par belgarion
Ainsi il préfère Nynaeve: eh bien!C'est en tout cas une bonne chose qu'il se remtte à lire les 11 romans d'une traite sous l'angle de l'écrivain pour mieux s'imprégner des personnages. Il en fait un portrait lucide et intéressant qui permettra, je l'espère, de ne pas se dissocier du point de vue de Robert Jordan dans le tome 12. Ca va lui prendr edu temps conjointement à son travail d'écriture lmais je crois que c'est indispensable. :)

Posté : mer. 30 janv. 2008 09:07
par Gillossen
WoT Read Through: THE GREAT HUNTPosted on 01.29.08Categories: Wheel of TimeI'm very interested in the way that Mr. Jordan expanded the viewpoints in this book. Here is where we first begin to see the scope of this story, in my opinion, as we start to get viewpoints from Moiraine, Fain, and numerous others. This is one of the things I've always liked about Mr. Jordan's writing--in fact, it may have been one of his greatest talents. His ability to craft a very intense, well-written, and engaging third-person-limited viewpoint. If there's one thing I could pick to learn from his writing, it would be how to do such a good third limited. I'm about halfway through the read right now, and like how quickly-paced this book is moving. Sometimes, readers get down on Jordan for his pacing, but I've found that these first books move at a real clip. I think the shifting viewpoints in this book is how I prefer it; I remember that later, he starts to divide the books in chunks, having a large section from one viewpoint, then moving to another viewpoint for a long time. We'll have to see how I feel about that when I get to it, but for now, I like having short chapters moving from viewpoint to viewpoint so I never lose track of anyone for too long.I mentioned before that I see things differently as I read these books through for the sixth or seventh time. I'm a writer myself now, and I look at the books from that standpoint. I can still enjoy them as a reader, but I think I enjoy different things as well. For instance, I love the sheer weight of conflict Mr. Jordan gave to his characters. I often say that stories are about conflict--characters are made interesting by conflict and a setting comes alive via the pressure points where different aspects of culture grind against each other. If you're an aspiring author, take note of the excellent variety of conflicts Rand has shown during the first book and a half:1) Servants of the Dark One chasing him. 2) The Dark One himself (kind of) appearing in Rand's dreams.3) Rand's worry about his identity and whether or not Tam is really his father.4) Rand's worry about his relationship and love for Egwene5) His tension between Mat and Perrin in Book Two.6) His worry about everyone calling him a lord.7) His frustration that the White Tower is trying to control him.8) The danger of channeling and his place as the Dragon RebornAnd that's just a few of them. There's a reason why this story has been so successful and has been able to carry so many books. Conflict. There's no shortage of it here. Anyway, I'm still enjoying Nynaeve's character, though I wish she'd get over her anger at Moiraine. In most things, Nynaeve is clever, but she's got a hole in her vision when it comes to Moiraine.
Bon alors, nouveau sujet ou pas ? :)

Posté : mer. 30 janv. 2008 09:15
par Valashu
Vu comment Sanderson communique régulièrement, ça pourrait être bien de créer un petit sujet "Wheel of Time vol 12". :)Intéressant son avis sur le découpage réalisé par Jordan, en longs chapitres, alors que lui préfère changer plus régulièrement de points de vue (comme beaucoup de séries de fantasy actuelles d'ailleurs). J'aime les courts chapitres, ça dynamise l'histoire, et si un personnage nous plaît moins on sait qu'on va vite le quitter. Cependant, j'espère qu'il essayera de respecter un minimum le découpage de Jordan, histoire de ne pas non plus modifier complètement l'architecture de l'ensemble. :)

Posté : mer. 30 janv. 2008 17:27
par Red Sonja
J'ai tout de même hâte de le voir commenter les tomes où l'action s'enlise pas mal, qu'on le veuille ou non. Va-t-il se montrer objectif, ou bien son contrat va-t-il l'empêcher de se prononcer sincèrement ? :sifflote:

Posté : mer. 30 janv. 2008 22:04
par belgarion
Ok pour un nouveua shujet. Mais comme Valashu je m'inquiète d'un brutal changement de mode de narration avec des chapitres plus courts sans qu'on puisse s'appesantir sur les personnages comme savait si bien le faire RJ. Certes, le changement rapide de point de vue a ses avantages, mais par hônneté intellectuelle et souci d'harmonisation mieux vaudrait garder le mode de narration initial (sauf pour les chapitres avec Elayne ;) ).

Posté : jeu. 31 janv. 2008 13:50
par Luigi Brosse
Il me semble que l'on avait eu un sujet pour le tome 11, alors comme le 12 sortira un jour ou l'autre, autant se préparer dès maintenant :)

Posté : mar. 25 mars 2008 20:55
par Altan

Posté : mer. 26 mars 2008 18:57
par Tanis-Rune de Sombrepierr
Dommage qu'il n'est pu assisté à cet hommage, même s'il n'écrivait pas pour ça ;) :(Tanis

Posté : sam. 29 mars 2008 08:31
par Gillossen
Sa dernière interview à présent en ligne ::arrow: ... cumentaire

Posté : sam. 29 mars 2008 13:57
par Valashu
Même si j'ai pas tout capté et que ce documentaire n'était pas consacré exclusivement à Jordan, il m'a quand même ému. :(L'hommage est simple mais très beau.

Posté : sam. 29 mars 2008 15:34
par belgarion
Il apparaît déjà bien affaibli mais garde toute sa tête comme le montrent ses réponses. Ca fait plaisir d'avoir encore des images de lui après son décès pour mieux le redécouvrir.

Posté : ven. 16 mai 2008 08:35
par Olivier Minne
Olivier Minne a écrit :Un autre hommage aujourd'hui ::arrow: ... La-Citadel
Et si on veut qu'un documentaire voit le jour ::arrow: ... inancement

Posté : ven. 16 mai 2008 09:06
par Valashu
Il lui manque que 200 dollars ? :blink: J'ai un peu de mal à comprendre qu'il doive faire appel aux dons pour une somme si faible. :huh: Enfin, au moins il devrait pas avoir de mal à boucler son budget. :)

Posté : ven. 16 mai 2008 17:56
par Tanis-Rune de Sombrepierr
Valashu a écrit :Il lui manque que 200 dollars ? :blink: J'ai un peu de mal à comprendre qu'il doive faire appel aux dons pour une somme si faible. :huh:
Oui, j'ai eu la même réaction que toi :huh:Enfin, voilà probablement un documentaire qui fera le bonheur des fans ;)Tanis

Posté : ven. 16 mai 2008 22:20
par belgarion
C'est bizarre de s'arrêter à une telle somme. Je trouve que ça fait un peu forcé comme réaction.

Posté : mer. 17 sept. 2008 07:36
par Aslan

Posté : mer. 17 sept. 2008 09:00
par elise
Un an déjà ! :( J'ai l'impression que c'était hier tellement le choc de cette nouvelle est encore vif dans ma mémoire. :o