Ténébreuse se poursuit encore d'ailleurs, comme on l'a déjà dit.
The Terran Federation may be gone, but not forgotten…
Gareth Elhalyn, scapegrace prince and grandson of Regis Hastur, disguises himself as a trader and embarks upon a lighthearted lark to Carthon, on the border of the Dry Towns. Here he overhears rumors of Terran blasters in the barren lands beyond Shainsa. If the Federation has returned and is now arming the belligerent Dry Towners with illegal weapons, it could mean a disastrous conflict for the Domains. Gareth races across the desert to discover the truth, for the Lord of Shainsa has also heard of these “sun-weapons” and seeks them for himself. Meanwhile, Linnea Hastur searches for her long-lost daughter, Kierestelli, now called Silvana of Nevarsin Tower. Silvana rejects the overture and goes into hiding with the nearly-extinct nonhuman chieri who sheltered her as a child. Gareth discovers a smuggler ship that has been trading blasters with local villagers in exchange for a hidden base. Before he can convince the off-worlders to depart, a heavily armed mercenary police ship arrives. In the battle that follows, the mercenaries take aim at the only functioning spaceport on Darkover — in Thendara. In desperation, Gareth reaches out telepathically to warn of the impending attack…and reaches Silvana’s mind. Silvana forms a circle with the remaining chieri and, using their ancient psychic technology, disarms the mercenaries. The danger is not over, for the Dry Towners now have possession of Terran weapons. Gareth challenges the leader and wounds him mortally, then in an act of compassion uses his laran to save his enemy. The result is the first formal peace treaty between the Domains and the Dry Towns, and the dawn of a new age for Darkover. Silvana is reconciled with her family, and Gareth abdicates in favor of a permanent Regency. Children of Kings follows The Alton Gift and Traitor’s Sun in the Darkover timeline.