Dans un train pour Paris. Rdv chez #Bragelonne avec le Grd Stratéguerre cet a-m. #HautRoyaume #ParisDesMerveilles #Contrats
SourceBcp de boulot en ce moment. Hâte de pouvoir me remettre à #HautRoyaume et de retrouver Lorn. #MaViedAuteur
Of the Seven Cities, province of the High Kingdom, Samarande is the largest, most famous, and above all, most dangerous.It is in this violent and corrupt world that Iryän Shaän practices his profession : that of a thief. After getting his hands on a precious tiara, he is then robbed of the jewels that adorn it, and he must find the guilty party and overcome his numerous adversaries – thieves, assassins, magi, and ghosts – through his cunning and might. And the troubles don’t end there, because when he frees his friend from rotting away in prison, Iryän antagonizes a formidable group of villains.But then another danger threatens him. An old enemy is returning, and others who are just as dangerous are appearing. Betrayed, Iryän will become blinded by anger and his desire for vengeance and ready to combat powerful factions, some of whom have been competing for centuries, back to when the Divine Dragons ruled the world. Nothing will stop Iryän – neither man, nor drac, nor dragon prince. He is ready to risk it all, including his life.
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